Mbale SS Replaces Chalkboards with Smart Classroom Technology

Mbale SS Replaces Chalkboards with Smart Classroom Technology

By Weswa Ronnie




Mbale Senior Secondary located at Northern City Division in Mbale city has launched Smart Classroom Technology becoming the first school to have such technology in Bugisu and Uganda as a whole.


Smart classroom technology is a new kind of teaching where teachers use computers and projectors in giving notes, teaching and doing practical work rather than using chalkboard.


Speaking at the launch on Thursday, 13th June, 2024, Moses Buyela, the head teacher of Mbale secondary school, the technology has been installed at all the eight streams of senior one and two science laboratories.


He adds that (KOICA) Korea International Cooperation Agency donated items to the school like computers, projectors, projector board among other gadgets to support the technology.


He adds that this is part of the new curriculum that government has introduced at all secondary schools.


William Masai, the Board vice chairman thanked the donors saying this is going to improve on education at the school.


Lenesi Nasimiyu, the Mbale city Education Officer says that Mbale secondary school is the first school with this technology in Mbale city, Bugisu region and Uganda at large.


She urged other schools to emulate this such that they move away from chalkboards to computers.


Nasimiyu urged (KOICA) Korea International Cooperation Agency to donate more gadgets such that other upper classes can use the same technology.


Jingjine, the country director (KOICA) says that they want to improve on ICT in Mbale secondary school.


She urged the school to keep and look after the donated gadgets well such that students and teachers can shift from analogue way of learning or teaching to digital.


Mbale secondary school is a government aided school which was started in 1954 and has a population of about 8,000 students with 500 students in senior one, 200 teachers and 91 non-teaching staff.

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