Dr Monica Musenero Reveals MUK Lecturer Wanted To Sleep With Her For Marks

Dr Monica Musenero Reveals MUK Lecturer Wanted To Sleep With Her For Marks

The Minister of Science, Technology and Innovation, Dr Monica Musenero has thrown social media into a surprise after she claimed that a lecturer at Makerere University Kampala (MUK) attempted to sleep with her for marks.

It should be recalled that the highly learned minister studied from Makerere.

During an exclusive interview with NBS TV, she said that lecturers sleeping with students to award them marks is not a new phenomenon. It was also there during her time.

Apparently, being a lecturer at the university meant that one had a lot of power. There are even lecturers who threaten to fail students if they don’t sleep with them.

She cited herself as an example with a particular lecturer who wanted to do the same to her. However, she stood her ground and dared him to fail her.

Being a clever girl, she told him everyone would try to find out why she failed only his subject and passed the others. This is where she would expose him.

“Being in a teaching position at the university, you had a lot of power. We had lecturers who swore that if a girl didn’t sleep with them, they would never graduate.”

“That issue of sex and marks started way back. Personally, one of the lecturers told me; you know I have the power to fail you? I told him not to dare because everybody would try to find out why I had failed his subject. After all, I was going to pass other subjects and fail his which would start an investigation.”

Meanwhile, Monica Musenero has been in the limelight since the COVID-19 pandemic for some controversial reasons. One of them is the Ugandan satellite that was reportedly sent to space about a year ago.

She said that the lifespan of this satellite was 12 months and after that, it was deorbited. They are now trying to build another one to send it back. When this satellite was launched, it was a big milestone for Uganda according to the Minister.


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