Concerns over rising misconduct, absenteeism among scientists in Greater Bushenyi

Concerns over rising misconduct, absenteeism among scientists in Greater Bushenyi

Supervisors, accounting officers, and school heads in Greater Bushenyi have raised alarm over persistent misconduct and absenteeism among scientists following recent salary enhancements by the government.

The leaders expressed dismay, stating that many scientists have become untouchable, while others are seeking early retirement due to the benefits attached.

During the conclusion of a one-week “Say No to Corruption” campaign in the districts of Greater Bushenyi, Inspector General of Government Betti Kamya was apprised of these concerns.

“Such violations of policies require urgent government review to prevent corruption,” remarked Kamya.

Less than two years since the government enhanced salaries for scientists in Uganda, reports of misbehavior and misconduct have been on the rise.

Barungi Gloria, the Mitooma District Education Officer, highlighted cases of disrespect and absenteeism among science teachers in some schools.

“We cannot tolerate such behavior, especially among those entrusted with shaping the future of our nation,” stated Barungi.

Jafari Basajjabalaba, the LC5 chairman of Bushenyi, echoed these sentiments, emphasising the need for swift action to address the situation.

“It is disheartening to see some scientists taking advantage of their enhanced salaries to engage in misconduct and absenteeism,” Basajjabalaba said.

Barungi further revealed that some scientists are opting for early retirement due to the attractive benefits and higher retirement packages associated with the recent salary enhancement.

“This trend poses a significant challenge to the stability and effectiveness of our education system,” Barungi said.

Kamya emphasized the importance of government intervention to curb such misconduct and uphold the integrity of public service.

With these concerns highlighted, stakeholders are calling for immediate action to address the issues plaguing the conduct of scientists in Greater Bushenyi.

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